Relational Communication

Life Ed Classes
Ages 11 - 18 and up

Our Classes

Relational Communication

Relational Communication

Human beings by nature are social creatures; in person and virtual communities are the support network for all the challenges one will face in life. The rise of social media, the aftermath of the pandemic, and the popularity of remote working have made human beings more isolated than ever before. Some are still experiencing challenges in regaining a semblance of a social life. 

In this series of classes, we’ll explore the many different types of relationships that young adults need to establish and nurture in these pivotal years – family, friends, roommates, classmates, teachers, coworkers, landlords, and much more. Through discussions, role play, and discussion, we’ll explore empathy and compassion, creating meaningful connections, communication skills, conflict resolution, and much more. 

Relationship Class Topics Include:

  • Meeting new people
  • Boundaries and expectations 
  • Types of friendship
  • How to be a good friend
  • Toxic relationships
  • Family dynamics and expectations
  • Workplace etiquette – how to engage at work
  • Online safety – communicating with friends and strangers
  • Conflict resolution
  • Personal boundaries
  • How to heal from a rift in a relationship 
  • Reading body languages and cues
  • Communicating with various type of personalities
  • Body hygiene
  • Cultural and societal values 

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